
Mother Teresa

Mary Teresa Bojaxhiu, MC, better known as Mother Teresa or Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, was an Albanian-Indian Catholic nun and the founder of the Missionaries of Charity
Date of Birth : 26 August, 1910
Date of Death : 05 September, 1997 (Aged 87)
Place of Birth : Skopje, North Macedonia
Profession : Saint
Nationality : American
Mary Teresa Bojazhiu  (born Agnis Ganja Bojazhiu ; Albanian:August 26, 1910 – September 5, 1997), better known as Mother Teresa or Teresa  , was an Albanian. -Descent  Indian Catholic nun and missionary . Teresa was born in Skopje, Albania, Ottoman Empire .  He lived there until the age of eighteen. In 1928, he passed through Ireland to the then British colony of IndiaCame on a mission to spread Christianity . He remained in India for the rest of his life.

In 1950 , he founded a Christian missionary organization called The Missionaries of Charity (Daatvya Dharmapracharak Sangha) in Calcutta . In 2012, 4500 nuns were associated with this association. His missionary activities spread first in India and later all over the world. In 2016, Pope Francis canonized her as a ' saint ' and the Catholic Church called her 'Saint Teresa of Calcutta'.

In 1969, when Malcolm Muggeridge's documentary Something Beautiful for God aired on the BBC, her charity work was widely publicized in the Western media, and Teresa's fame spread around the world. [7] [8] He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 [9] and the Bharat Ratna , India's highest civilian honor, in 1980. At the time of Teresa's death, The Missionaries of Charity had 610 centers in 123 countries around the world, including medical centers for AIDS, leprosy and tuberculosis patients, canteens, child and family counseling centers, orphanages and schools.

Mary Teresa Bozajew is a controversial figure ; Before and after his death he was condemned and vilified by various individuals, organizations and governments of several states. Germaine Greer criticized Teresa as a 'religious imperialist'.  Individuals and organizations such as Christopher Hitchens , Michael Parenti , Arup Chatterjee , Vishwa Hindu Parishad, etc. have criticized her opposition to contraception and abortion, her belief in the spiritual significance of poverty, and her conversion to Christianity of dying pilgrims . Various medical journals criticized the poor quality of treatment at the medical center he established and expressed concern about the non-transparent spending of donation money.

Early life 

Mother Teresa Memorial House, located in Skopje, her birthplace
Agnis Ganja Bojazhiu ( Ganja meaning rosebud in Albanian ) was born on August 26, 1910 in Yuskub (now Skopje , the capital of North Macedonia ) in the Ottoman Empire . However, although born on August 26, he considered August 27 to be his "real birthday"; Because his baptism was completed on that date. He was the youngest child of Nicolo and Drana Bayazu. Their original home was in the Shkodër region of Albania .His father was involved in Albanian politics. He lost his father in 1919 when he was only eight years old. After his father's death, his mother raised him in Roman Catholicism. According to the biography by Joan Graf Clucas, little Agnes loved to hear stories of the missionaries' lives and works. At the age of 12, he decided to lead a religious ascetic life. At 18, she left home and joined the Sisters of Loreto as a missionary. He never met his mother and aunts again.

Agnes first went to learn English at Loreto Abbey in Rotherham , Ireland . Because this language was the medium of instruction of the Sisters of Loreto in India.  He came to India in 1929 and started working as a novice in Darjeeling . She took her first vows as a nun on 24 May 1931. At this time she adopted the name Thérèse after the patron saint of missionaries, Thérèse de Lisieux. She took her final vows on 14 May 1937 while teaching at a Loreto Convent School in East Calcutta.

Although he enjoyed teaching at the school, he became increasingly concerned about the poverty of Calcutta. Unspeakable sorrow and death descended upon the city in the fifties ; In 1946 Hindu-Muslim riots also killed many people. All these events had a deep impact on Teresa's mind.

Missionaries of Charity 
On September 10, 1946 , when he went to Darjeeling for a religious retreat, a profound realization dawned on him. This experience was later described as "another calling within a calling". He also said about this,

It was necessary for me to leave the convent and live among the poor and help them. It was a direct order. Failure to obey this order meant breach of trust

In 1948, he started evangelizing among the poor. Abandon traditional Loreto practices. He wears a plain white cotton cloth with a blue border. It was at this time that he accepted Indian citizenship and started working in slum areas. He first started by setting up a small school in Motijheel. Later he started responding to the calls of the hungry and destitute. He continued to help them in various ways. His activities soon came to the attention of Indian officials. The prime minister himself recognized his work.

Mother Teresa founded Pure Heart (2007)

Statue of Mother


Total 10 Quotes
বাইরের জগতে এখনি বেড়িয়ে পড়ো এবং ভালোবাসো প্রত্যেকটি মানুষকে। তোমার উপস্থিতি যেন হাজারো মানব হৃদয়ে নতুন আলোর সঞ্চার জাগায়। - মাদার তেরেসা
যদি তুমি একশো মানুষকে সাহায্য করতে সক্ষম না হও, তাহলে অন্তত একজনকে সাহায্য করো। - মাদার তেরেসা
কারোর নেতৃত্বের অপেক্ষা না করে নিজ থেকেই সকল উদ্যোগ নেয়া উচিত। - মাদার তেরেসা
আমি একা এই পৃথিবীকে বদলে দিতে পারবোনা। তবে আমি স্বচ্ছ জলে একটি ছোট পাথরের টুকরো নিক্ষেপ করে বড় বড় জলতরঙ্গ সৃষ্টি করতে পারবো। - মাদার তেরেসা
সৃষ্টিকর্তা তোমাদের সফল হওয়ার আদেশ দেননি, শুধুমাত্র সর্বদা অবিরাম চেষ্টা ধরে রাখার আহ্‌বান করেছেন। - মাদার তেরেসা
মানুষকে বিচার করে সময় নষ্ট করলে কখনোই তাদেরকে ভালবাসার সময় পাওয়া যাবে না। - মাদার তেরেসা
প্রত্যেকের প্রতি ভালবাসার শুরুটা হোক হাসির মাধ্যমে। - মাদার তেরেসা
আমরা সকলেই শুরুতেই বিশাল কোনো মহৎ কাজ করতে পারবো না। কিন্তু ভালবাসা দিয়ে ছোট ছোট অনেক ভাল কাজ করা সম্ভব। - মাদার তেরেসা
অস্ত্র দিয়ে কখনোই শান্তিকে ঘরে আনা সম্ভব নয়, সম্ভব ভালবাসা ও সহানুভূতির হাত ধরে। - মাদার তেরেসা
সবচেয়ে ভয়াবহ দারিদ্রতা হচ্ছে একাকীত্ব এবং প্রিয়জনের সহানুভূতি না পাওয়ার অনুভূতি। - মাদার তেরেসা