
Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity. — Nat Turner

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Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. — Adam Sandler
One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. -Bob Marley
Communication works for those who work at it. — John Powell
Your future is whatever you make it, so make it a good one. — Doc Brown
It takes no more time to see the good side of life than to see the bad. — Jimmy Buffett
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. — Epictetus
Effective teamwork begins and ends with communication.” — Mike Krzyzewski
Listen with curiosity. Speak with honesty. Act with integrity. The greatest problem with communication is we don’t listen to understand. We listen to reply. When we listen with curiosity, we don’t listen with the intent to reply. We listen for what’s behind the words. ―Roy T. Bennett
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. –George Bernard Shaw
Communication works for those who work at it. –John Powell