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I never dreamed about success I work for it. ~ Estee la uder
I just didn't believe Bush. - Saddam Hussein
My life is 7 words: Everything I was afraid of happening, happened.
Businesses must reconnect company success with social progress. Shared value is not social responsibility, philanthropy, or even sustainability, but a new way to achieve economic success. It is not on the margin of what companies do but at the center. We believe that it can give rise to the next major transformation of business thinking. ~ Michael Porter
You become what you believe. ~ Oprah Winfrey
While there is life there is hope.
I believe nothing happens by mistake. You know, the universe has a divine plan. That sounds dramatic. --- Lana Del Rey
Where there is love there is life. ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Believe you can and your help with their. ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Life is always better at nigh.