
I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. - Fidel Castro, Former President of Cuba

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Not even Pakistan's founder, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, drew the million-strong throngs that Mujib has attracted in Dacca. Nor, for that matter, has any subcontinent politician since Gandhi's day spent so much time behind bars for his political beliefs. - TIME magazine
The speciality of Mujib's character was his uncompromising fighting leadership with a generous heart . - Yasser Arafat, Former Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization
Sheikh Mujib is a man of peace, a man of independence and a man of the world. He is not just the Bangabandhu (Friend of Bangladesh), He is also the Viswabandhu (Friend of the World). - Ramesh Chandra, Former Secretary General of the World Peace Council
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. -Bruce Lee
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was a great statesman who fought for the rights and dignity of his people and was steadfastly committed to independence. - Christian Wulff, Former President of Germany
Blessed is that Man on whose name Flutters independence Like a flag, Blessed is that Man on whose name shower Ovations of respect from the freedom fighters — Poet Shamsur Rahman.
I have not seen the Himalayas. But I have seen Sheikh Mujib. In personality and in courage, this man is the Himalayas. I have thus had the experience of witnessing the Himalayas. — Cuban leader Fidel Castro
In the thousand year history of Bengal, Sheikh Mujib is her only leader who has, in terms of blood, race, language, culture and birth, been a full blooded Bengali. His physical stature was immense. His voice was redolent of thunder. His charisma worked magic on people. The courage and charm that flowed from him made him a unique superman — Journalist Cyril Dunn.
As long as Padma, Meghna, Gouri, Jamuna flows on, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, your accomplishment will also live on — Poet Annada Shankar Ray.
Sheikh Mujib is a man of peace, a man of independence and a man of the world. He is not just the Bangabandhu (Friend of Bangladesh), He is also the Viswabandhu (Friend of the World) — Ramesh Chandra, former Secretary General of the World Peace Council