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Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are like a ship that has set sail with no destination. — Fitzhugh Dodson
Through hard work, perseverance and a faith in God, you can live your dreams. —Ben Carson
Most of us have enough areas of our lives where we have to meet others’ expectations. Let your running be about your own hopes and dreams. – Meb Keflezighi
The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written. We can help write that story by setting goals. -Melody Beattie
Fight for your dreams, and your dreams will fight for you. — Paulo Coelho
People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. —Earl Nightingale
I have a motto on my bedroom wall Obstacles are what you see when you take your eye off the goal Giving up is not my style. I just want to do something worthwhile. — Chris Burke
Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real. –Tupac Shaku
Someday is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you. — Timothy Ferriss
Hold fast to dreams, For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird,That cannot fly. ― Langston Hughes