Paragraph: Price Hike

Paragraph: Price Hike
Admin June 18, 2024 187

Price Hike Paragraph

Price hike means the exorbitant increase of the price of almost all the essential daily commodities . There are many reasons of it. Short supply of daily commodities and inflation are mainly responsible for price hike. Sometimes dishonest businesspersons and hoarders artificially raise price for making more profit. The price hike may also causes due to flood and fault of rail and road communications.

Besides, the holy month of Ramadan also contribute a lot to it because people buy some commodities more than in other months. Vegetables, brinjal, green chili, sugar and oil become most expensive during this time. There are some bad impacts of it in our society. Price hike decreases our living standard and increases corruption in our society. Price hike increases the sufferings of the common people.

The poor and the middle class people of our society are affected by it. Nevertheless, the worst sufferers of it are those who live from hand to month. Government should take immediate actions to control it. The law enforcing agencies should be deployed in the market place to monitor the market price. Legal actions must be taken against the dishonest businesspersons and hoarders.