Fiverr Customer Service Test Questions and Answers for 2025
Are you looking for Fiverr Customer Service Test Answers? If so, here are the latest and updated answers to the Fiverr Customer Service Test. Get a free certificate. This article will help you with the Fiverr Customer Service Assessment Answers in the easiest way.
Fiverr Customer Service test Answers 2025: SET-01
1. What general rule does phone etiquette require customer service representatives to follow?
i) Ask the other party how you can help them-Answer
ii) Say “Hellow?’ then pause.
iii) Try to redirect the caller to someone else.
iv) Ask them for their name or customer number before greeting them.
2. Knowing what your customers need is important because you can’t sell what people don’t need.
i) True-Answer
ii) False
3. How can a company’s online ordering process be made more customer friendly?
i) Ask for lots of details so the customer can be catered to in the future.
ii) Try to sell customers additional products and services unsolicited.
iii) Place ads on the order page for additional products.
iv) Only ask for information necessary to process the order.-Answer
4. Are complaining customers good for the business? Why or why not?
i) Yes, they help us know the areas where we can improve.-Answer
ii) No, they take up a lot of the precious resources which could have been used more productively elsewhere.
iii) Yes, they help us reduce customer complaints by letting us know what’s hurting the customers.-Answer
iv) No, they create a negative image of the business, which is neither objective nor fair.
5) A customer writes to you with intention to buy a certain kind of a product without being able to decide which one what should your replay to them contain?
i) Questions seeking more information to understand their needs so you can suggest the best fit.-Answer
ii) A list of the cheapest product on offer.
iii) A list of the products that in your estimate will suit them best.
iv) A list of the high-end products.
6. Why do customers feel the need of some control in working to resolve an issue with a company?
i) They feel they are getting more for their money.
ii) Customers feel that this way, they can get whatever they want, at least temporarily.
iii)It ensures the customer will buy again.
iv) It puts them in a positive mood and allows them to help guide the resolution.-Answer
7. What does CRM software allow a company to do?
i) Create one to many relationships with customer groups.
ii) Create many to one relationships with customers.
iii) Send financial reports to the management.
iv) Create a one to one relationship with each customer.-Answer.
8. If there is no option but to keep a customer waiting while you try to resolve their complaint, you should.
i) Keep working on the issue but not let the customer know as to when the issue will be resolved because they may end up
thinking you are incompetent.
ii) Keep them updated and informed as to when you will be able to help them.-Answer
iii) Involve your whole team in trying to solve the problem at the earliest.
iv) None of the above
9. How can you add the personal touch of a phone interaction to an email exchange with a customer?
i) By using the customer’s name instead of saying Dear Customer.
ii) By using your own name instead of something like “The support Team”.
iii) By using emotions and casual words like Hey buddy, BRB, BYW, etc.
iv) A and B-Answer
v) B and C
vi) A, B and C
10. How important is it for the top management to be involved in creating Customer Service Strategy?
i) Very important-The top management has to be committed to it and offer the maximum support-Answer
ii) Not important at all-The employees at the customer level should decide the strategy.
iii) Important only in small companies, not large corporations
iv) Important only in large companies. Smaller companies do not need to worry about customer service strategy.
11. Where should firms start while working on a strategy for customer service?
i) Survey the customers to get their feedback and to find out their needs and expectations of the firm-Answer.
ii) Copy what the competition is doing.
iii) Ask the employees what strategies they want to be implemented.
iv) Look for the standard customer service strategy employed in the country of operation.
12. What should be the ultimate goal of problem solving with the customer?
i) To save the company money.
ii) To get them off the phone quickly.
iii) To get referrals to other customers
iv) To make them happy-Answer.
13. What is a continue improvement plan?
i) A predetermined planto continually help the employees keep themselves informed of the company’s latest initiatives in order ultimetely to make themselves better at customer service-Answer.
ii) A plan to educate the consumer about the products.
iii) A plan to help the management understand the customer’s needs better
iv) A predetermined plan to help the employes learn more about the company’s financial situation and the company’s need to perform better.
14. Which of the following is an example of a care token?
i) A computer manufacturer fixes your new laptop under warranty.
ii) A retail chain accepts your return.
iii) Offering an employee a raise for good performance.
iv) A restaurant gives you a free glass of wine because you mention to the waiter you didn’t enjoy the wine like you had noped-Answer
15. What final step can be taken to put your firm’s customer service above that of all others?
i) Offer to refund more than the product value.
ii) Let customers know what the standard procedure for handling rate custumers is up front.
iii) Give the customers time to cool off by asking them to call back later.
iv) Follow up with customers after the fact to make sure they are happy with the resolution-Answer.
16. What does a customer with a problem expect from a customer service representative?
i) Discounts and coupons
ii) The management’s commitment to the growth of the firm
iii) An affressive tone
iv) Understanding and empathy-Answer
17. If there is no option but to keep a customer waiting while you try to resolve their complaint you should:
i) Keep working on the issue but not let the customer know as to when the issue will be resolved because they may end up thinking you are incomplete.
ii) Keep them updated and informed as to when you will be able to help them-Answer.
iii) Involve your whole team in trying to solve the problem at the earliest.
iv) None of the above.
18. The benefits of providing awesome customer service include all of the following EXCEPT:
i) Customer loyalty
ii) Increased revenues
iii) Employee satisfaction-Answer.
iv) Improved brand image.
19. What is meant by taking a top down approach to creating a strategy?
i) Having customer service agents work in management
ii) Creating high level initiatives only
iii) Starting by building strategies upwards from the customer level
iv) Having high level managers work in customer service for a short period of time so they can experience it before laying sown polcies-Answer.
20. How should a customer service representative determine what avenues to pursue to make a customer happy?
i) Follow a standard company protocol-Answer.
ii) Ask the customer what resolution they would into see.
iii) Determine what would be the cheapest alternative that would make the customer happy
iv) Offer to replace their product regardless of their problem.
21. If a customer insists that you offer them a discount even though there is no ongoing promotion, you should:
i) Tell them that you can recommend the best package for them bassed on their needs
ii) Tell them that you willl let them know whenever there is an upcoming promotion
iii) Both a and b-Answer
iv) Neither a nor b
22. How do CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Systems help in sending a consistent message to customers?
i) The same draft of an email can be sent to every single customer thus ensuring consistency.
ii) They are used for all marketing efforts of a company
iii) Information can be distributed via the CRM system for sending the same message to all the customers in the same group-Answer
iv) The CRM system always works as the back end for the company website.
23. Why do the customer’s needs change according to the nature of the situation?
i) People are fickie and want different things even in the same situation depending on diferent occasions.
ii) Needs are different depending on what the customers values as important under the circumances-Answer.
iii) Needs changed according to the financial situation of the customer at the time.
iv) The customer can probably be talked into focusing on their wants instead of needs.
24. How can a company create an atmosphere of continuous improvement and have employees who strive to perform?
i) By reducing headcount by 10% each year.
ii) By making it mandatory for the employees to attend company meetings
iii) By offering incentives, both financial and non financial, for good performance-Answer.
iv) By telling the employees that mystery callers will evaluate them
25. How important is the tone of voice when talking to someone on the phone?
i) Extremely important-Answer
ii) Not important at all
iii) Slightly important
iv) Depends on the situation.
26. What is meant by “data mining”?
i) Creating specialized reports
ii) Entering data into a data base
iii) Calling customers to survey them
iv) Sifting through vast amounts of data by focusing on specific attributes-Answer
27. In order to provide the best customer service on the intemet, you should make the effort of knowing your customer, including all their past dealings and ineractions with you.
i) True
ii) False-Answer
28. All of the following are essential elements of meeting customer expetations EXCEPT.
i) Transparency
ii) Trust
iii) Company profitability-Answer
iv) Empathy
29. A customer writes to you with the intention to buy a certain kind of a product without being able to decide which one. What should your reply to them contain?
i) Questions seeking more information to understand their needs so you can suggest the best fit-Answer.
ii) A list of the cheapest products on offer
iii) A list of the products that in your estimate will suit them best
iv) A list of the high-end products.
30. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer option
The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.
i) Yes. Customer expectations are not always what we think they are-Answer
ii) No. Which business does not know their customer’s expectations?
31. What is a continuous improvement plan?
i) A predetermined plan to continually help the employees keep themselves informed of the company’s latest initiatives in
order ultimately to make themselves better at customer service.-Answer.
ii) A plan to educate the consumer about the products.
iii) A plan to help the management understand the customer’s needs better.
iv) A predetermined plan to help the employees learn more about the company’s
financial situation and the company’s need to perform better.
32. In order to provide the best customer service on the internet, you should make the effort of knowing your customer, including all their past dealings and interactions with you.
i) True
ii) False-Answer
33. In order to provide the best customer service on the internet, you should make the effort of knowing your customer, including all their past dealings and interactions with you.
i) True-Answer
ii) False
34. Which of the following would be the best way to offer customer service online?
i) To make a form people can submit available online.
ii) To supply answers to FAQ’s online
iii) To make live chat with company representatives available 24/7.-Answer
iv) To make company phone number available online.
35. When dealing with an angry customer.
i) Keep calm
ii) Apologize.
iii) Stop responding and start ignoring
iv) a and c
v) a and b-Answer
vi) a, b and c
36. All of the following are pitfalls to avoid EXCEPT:
i) Assuming you know your customers and their needs.
ii) Not paying attention to what your customers are saying about you on social media or elsewhere online.
iii) Keeping a focus on how your customer’s needs are changing-Answer
iv) Assessing customer needs once every five years.
37. You promise a customer to get back to them with a solution to their problem withing tow days. The deadline is over but you still don’t have a solution. What should you do?
i) Wait until you have the right solution and then get back to the customer.
ii) Get back to the customer and request them to give you some more time.-Answer.
iii) Let the customer contact you again and then explain the situation.
iv) Get back to the customer and tell them you have no solution to offer them.
38. Which of the following are things you should never say to an upset customer?
i) It’s not our fault.
ii) You shouldn’t have done that.
iii) Ther’s nothing i can do.
iv) All of the above.-Answer
39. Which of the following would a customer not expect from a customer service agent?
i) Discreating
ii) Rudeness-Answer
iii) Effectiveness
iv) Authenticity
40. Good customer service is about all of the following EXCEPT:
i) Connecting with the customers
ii) Doing more than the customers would expect
iii) Telling people how great you are with a lot of testimonials-Answer
iv) Providing best quality service
Fiverr Customer Service test Answers 2025: SET-02
41. Which of the following are things that can yelp build a great relationship with the customers?
i) Offering rewards
ii) Adding a personal touch
iii) Staying in touch
iv) All of the above-Answer
42. What should be said to a customer when putting them on hold?
i) Say nothing, just put them on hold.
ii) Say “just a minute”, then put them on hold.
iii) Ask them first if it is okay to put them on hold for a moment.-Answer
iv) Tell them they need to hold for several minutes.
43. Once you have resolved a customer’s complaint, you should follow it up with the customer after a few days.
i) Yes, it’s important to ensure they are satisfied with the solution you offered.-Answer
ii) No, doing so would be like reminding the customer they were unhappy with you.
44. The objectives of customer relationship management are all of the following EXCEPT:
i) improving your products/services
ii) Identifying gaps in customer expectations and customer service
iii) Maximizing profits-Answer
iv) Creating a lasting relationship with the customers.
45. Your promise a customer to get back to them with a solution to their problem within two days. The deadline is over but you still don’t have a solution. What should you do?
i) Wait until you have the right solution and then get back to the customer.
ii) Get back to the customer and request them to give you some more time.-Answer
iii) Let the customer contact you again and then explain the situation.
iv) Get back to the customer and tell them you have no solution to offer them.
46. Why is the important to have fast response times to customer queries/complaints?
i) It shows the customer that you care.
ii) It prevents the customer from contacting you over the same issue through different channels.
iii) Both a and b.-Answer
iv) Neither a nor b.
47. What is meant by a “Care token”?
i) To handle customers who are not happy with the company “With care”.
ii) A gesture made by the company to retain a customer after his/her having experienced
bad customer service.-Answer
iii) A gesture made by the company as a last resort to get the customer to leave.
iv) A bonus to exceptionally good customer service agents.
48. Which of the following is an example of a care token?
i) A computer manufacturer fixes your new laptop under warranty.
ii) A retail chain accepts your return
iii) Offering an employee arise for good performance
iv) A restaurant gives you a free glass of wine because you mention to the waiter you
didn’t enjoy the wine like you had hoped.-Answer
49. What is the purpose of FAQ’s (frequently asked questions)?
i) To give the website more content which looks impressive
ii) To spur the customers to ask additional questions
iii) To position the company as an industry leader
iv) To answer questions customers often have so they can easily find the answer without having
to ask.-Answer
50. What is meant by taking a top down approach to creating a strategy?
i) Having customer service agents work in management
ii) Creating high level initiatives only.
iii) Starting by building strategies upwards from the customer level
iv) Having high level managers work in customer service for a short period of time so they
can experience it before laying down policies-Answer
51. What are the two factors to consider when Creating Customer Service strategy?
i) Employee reception to the plan and customer reception to the plan-Answer
ii) The cost of implementing, and employee reception
iii) The time needed to create and implement, and the cost of implementation
iv) The competition’s as well as the customers’ reaction to the plan.
52. What is the importance of customer oriented goodwill?
i) It allows for cheaper resolutions to customer conflict.
ii) It is a good substitute for good customer service.
iii) It allows the management to measure how well customer service is being performed.-Answer
iv) It puts the company ahead of the competitors in respect of customer service.
53. Suppose that you have a customer who has unrealistic expectations regarding the time by which you can deliver your service. What is the best way to deal with them?
i) Promise that you will deliver them your service whenever they want, no matter how.
ii) Raise the bar and shorten the delivery time not just for this customer but for everyone else.
iii) Offer them an apology and tell them you are unable to fulfill their request.-Answer
iv) None of the above
54. When dealing with an angry customer over email, what are the things you must avoid to prevent the situation from becoming worse?
i) Not acknowledging their problem.
ii) Not personalizing your response.
iii) Not offering a concreate solution.
iv) All of the above.-Answer
55. How do CRM(Customer Relationship Management) systems help in sending a consistent message to customers?
i) The same draft of an email can be sent to every single customer thus ensuring consistency.
ii) They are used for all marketing efforts of a company.
iii) Information can be distributed via the CRM system for sending the same
message to all the customers in the same group.-Answer
iv) The CRM system always works as the back end for the company website.
56. Which of the following are things you should never say to an upset customer?
i) Its’s not our fault.
ii) You shouldn’t ha
57. Which of the following is true?
i) In the era of constantly changing customer expectations, it is futile to try to make all customers happy-Answer.
ii) Customer service is no longer about meeting customer needs but about going well beyond customer expectations.
58. What approach should a firm take when they need to say ‘no’ to a customer?
i) Say ‘no’ up front, being honest.
ii) Do not say ‘no’, but latter do not deliver on the alternative solutions.
iii) Pretend everything is good, but towards the end of the conversation, tell them you did not mean what you said an actually the answer is ‘no’.
iv) Do not say ‘no’, but offer alternative solutions-Answer.
59. Customer complaints are gaps between what the customers expect and what a business is able to deliver them.
i) True-Answer.
ii) False
60. When providing customer service on the internet, you need to make sure that:
i) Your language does not come across as too formal.
ii) You make the customer feel assured that they are being listened to
iii) You talk to the customer in a language that tells them you are willing to help.
iv) All of the above-Answer.
61. An unhappy customer wants to cancel their subscription of your services. What shluld yo do?
i) Apologize that they are cancelling-Answer
ii) Tell them they are making a grate mistake
iii) Ask them the reason behind cancelling-Answer
iv) None of the above
62. Consider the sentence given below and select the option that best answers it.
When providing customer service, it is important to remember that each customer is different and has to be treated differently.
i) It’s true that each customer is different but providing personalized service all the time drains resources.
ii) Providing personalized service make the customer feel special and creates loyalty-Answer.
iii) Personalized service is the norm. It’s done because everybody doesit, not because it has any benefits.
iv) Each customer is not different. Many customers are identical. So, personalized service has no special value.
63. Consider the sentence given below and select the option that best answers it.
Wen providing customer service, it is important to remember that each customer is different and has to be treated differently.
i) It’s true that each customer is different but providing personalized service all the time drains resources.
ii) Providing personalized service makes the customer feel special and creaters loyalty-Answer
iii) Personalized servicfe is the norm. It’s done because everybody does it, not because it has any benefits.
iv) Each customer is not different. Many customers are identical. So, personalized service has no special value.
64. You have a very informative FAQ page on your website, but a customer still sends you a mail with a lot of questions. You should do all of the following EXCEPT:
i) Providing them the link to the FAQ page
ii) Telling them you will be happy to help if the FAQs fail to answer their concerns
iii) Explaning to them that you have a tetailed and informative FAQ page
iv) Telling them to go to the website and look for the FAQ page-Answer.
65. When dealing with an angry customer over email, what are the things you must avoid to prevent the situation from becoming sorse?
i) Not acknowledging their problem
ii) Not personalizing your response
iii) Not offering a concrete solution
iv) All of the above-Answer
66. What are the two factors to consider when Creating Customer Service Strategy?
i) Employee reception to the plan, and customer reception to the plan-Answer
ii) The cost of implementing, and employee reception
iii) The time needed to create and implement, and the cost of implementation
iv) The competition’s as well as the customer’s reaction to the plan
67. What is the importance of customer oriented goodwil?
i) It alows for cheaper resolutions to customer conflict
ii) It is a good subsitute for good customer service
iii) It allows the management to measure how well customer service is being performed-Answer
iv) It puts the companyahead of the competitors in respect of customer service
68. Why is giving a customer the required information considered good customer service?
i) It makes the customer feel they got something for nothing
ii) It makes the customer feel guilty if they ever have a problem
iii) It allows you to upsell to the customer something they do not need
iv) It allows you to add value for the customer and help them make an informed decision-Answer
69. Why is giving a customer required information considered good customer service?
i) It makes the customer feel they got something for nothing
ii) It makes the customer feel guilty if they ever have a problem
iii) It allows you to upsell to the customer something they do not need
iv) It allows you to add value for the customer and help them make an informed decision-Answer
70. What is the purpose of FAQ’s (frequently asked questions)?
i) To give the website more content which looks impressive
ii) To spur the customers to ask additional questions
iii) To positionthe company as an industry leader
iv) To answer questions customers often have so they can easily find the answer without having to ask-Answer
71. Which of the following help guage the needs of the customers?
i) Online reviews
ii) Social media platforms
iii) Customer surveys
iv) Customer complanints
v) All of the above-Answer
72. Select the better of the two replies to a customer who wants to buy a product that is out of stock.
i) Thanks for contacting us. The product will only be available next month. Please do come back then to place your order
ii) Thanks fo contacting us. The product will only be available next month. Would you like me to pre-order the product for you and inform you when it is in stock again?-Answer
73. What is meant by inflection?
i) The accent you talk in depending on your country
ii) The highs and lows of your voice, which let the customer know how interested you are in talking to them-Answer
iii) The pace at which you speak, which lets the customer know if you are in a rush or not
iv) The general attitude you convey to a customer
74. Consider the following statement and select the best answer option.
The best way to find out customer’s expectations is to ask them what their expectation are.
I) No, never. You should instead ask those who have been in the business for a long time because they know it best
II) Yes, because no one knows the customers beter than the customers themselves-Answer
III) No, because sking the customers what they expect would make you look like you have not done your homework well.
IV) Yes, but only if you are a nes business. Old business know their customers inside out.
75. What should the customer service representative do when a customer is yelling?
i) Ye!! Back at them
ii) Not respond and hang up
iii) Sound anxious
iv) Keep a calm, lower tone to calm the customer down-Answer
76. Which of the following would a customer not expect from a customer service agent?
i) Discretion
ii) Rudeness-Answer
iii) Effectiveness
iv) Authenticity
77. When dealing with an unhappy customer, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:
i) Listen
ii) Empathize
iii) Criticize-Answer
iv) Apologize
78. To provide good customer service, you need to:
i) Meet your customer’s needs
ii) Understand your customer’s needs
iii) Know your customers
iv) All of the above-Answer
73. If you fail to honor your commitment to a customer, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:
i) Apologize
ii) Own up to your mistake
iii) Offer excuses-Answer
iv) Make a fresh commitment
74. What are the two factors to consider when creating Customer service strategy?
i) Employee reception to the plan, and customer reception to the plan-Answer
ii) The cost of implementing, and employee reception
iii) The time needed to create and implement, and the cost of implementation.
iv) The competition’s as well as the customers’ reaction to the plan.
75. How would you deal with a customer who in unhappy because of their own fault but insists that you solve the problem to their satisfaction?
i) Advise them to be more careful in the future.-Answer
ii) Apologize for the inconvenience but tell them that you are unable to help because that’s the company policy.
iii) Tell them you value them but they can explore other service providers.
iv) Tell them that personally, you want to help them but that you can’t go against the company policy.
76. What approach should a firm take when they need to say ‘no’ to a customer?
i) Say “no” up front, being honest.
ii) Do not say “no” , but later do not deliver on the alternative solutions.
iii) Pretend everything is good, but towards the end of the conversation, tell them you did not mean what you said and actually the answer is “no”.
iv) Do not say “no”, but offer alternative solutions.-Answer
77. Customer complaints are gaps between what the customers expect and what a business is able to deliver them.
i) True-Answer
ii) False
78. What is the disadvantage of email-based customer service?
i) It is more cost effective than other methods.
ii) It allows the company to respond quickly.
iii) It gives the company a trial of communications with the customer.
iv) It is unemotional and doesn’t always allow the customer to convey the importance of their question or issue.-Answer
79. What is a data warehouse?
i) A single database for the CRM program
ii) The physical warehouse where the company servers are stored.
iii) A database that stores information from several other data sources, allowing a CRM system to query multiple databases from one location. –Answer
iv) A program that is used to create financial reports
80. How should a customer service representative determine what avenues to pursue to make a customer happy?
i) Follow a standard company protocol.-Answer
ii) Ask the customer what resolution they would like to see.
iii) Determine what would be the cheapest alternative that would make the customer happy.
iv) Offer to replace their product regardless of their problem.
81. What does a customer with a problem expect from a customer service representative?
i) Discounts and coupons
ii) The management’s commitment to the growth of the firm
iii) An aggressive tone
iv) Understanding and empathy-Answer
82. Which of the following are things you should never say to an upset customer?
i) It’s not our fault
ii) You shouldn’t have done that
iii) There’s nothing I can do
iv) All of the above-Answer
83. Why do the customer’s needs change according to the nature of the situation?
i) People are fickle and want different things even in the same situation depending on different occasions.
ii) Needs are different depending on what the customer values as important under the circumstances.-Answer
iii) Needs changed according to the financial situation of the customer at the time.
iv) The customer can probably be talked into focusing on their wants instead of needs.
84. Select the better of the two replies to a customer who wants to buy a product that is out of stock.
i) Thanks for contacting us. The product will only be available next month. Please do come back then to place your order.
ii) Thanks for contacting us. The product will only be available next month. Would you like me to pre-order the product for you and inform you when it is in stock again?-Answer
85. Which of the following is true about customer relationship management?
i) Acquiring new customers is always better than trying to keep the existing ones.
ii) It makes more business sense to let go of a difficult client than to offer them a solution.
iii) It is a fact that there will always be some unhappy customers. It is best to accept this reality and move on the dealing with the happy ones.
iv) None of the above-Answer
v) All of the above
86. Why should a firm say they are sorry even if they feel the customer is wrong?
i) The firm can later tell the customer he/she was actually the wrong one, after he/she has calmed down.
ii) The firm should always take the blame and learn from it.
iii) The focus should be on finding out what would satisfy the customer and solving the problem, not determining blame.-Answer
iv) They can later put the blame on a third party.
87. What is meant by a “ care token”?
i) To handle customers who are not happy with the company “ with care”
ii) A gesture made by the company to retain a customer after his/her having experienced bad customer service-Answer
iii) A gesture made by the company as a last resort to get the customer to leave
iv) A bonus to exceptionally good customer service agents
88. What should be the first thing to be done in problem solving?
i) Verify the information the customer has provided and any additional facts if required.-Answer
ii) Tell the customer they will get whatever they want.
iii) Tell the customer in the customer’s story.
iv) Look for errors in the customer’s story.
89. What is the importance of consistency while offering customer service to different people?
i) Not Important-Customers only know what they experience and can not compare the service they get with that offered to others.
ii) Very important-customers expect a consistent level of service when dealing with a company.-Answer
iii) Important only for large companies, not for small ones.
iv) Important only for small firms since they rely on customer referrals.
90. Consider the following statement and select the correct answer option.
The first step in exceeding your customer’s expectations is to know those expectations.
i) Yes, customer expectations are not always what we think they are.-Answer
ii) No, Which business does not know their customers’ expectations?
91. Why is it important to have fast response times to customer queries/complaints?
i) It shows the customer that you care
ii) It prevents the customer from contacting you over the same issue through different channels.
iii) Both a and b-Answer
iv) Neither a nor b
92. What would be a good opening line in replying to an irate customer’s email?
i) Please call customer service.
ii) We are glad you are enjoying our product/service.
iii) Thank you for your email, we are sorry to hear about the problem you have.-Answer.
v) We will get back to you within 7 days.
93. When a customer writes to you requesting information on a product/service, you should.
i) Use simple language to make it easy for the customer to understand things.-Answer
ii) Use technical language and jargon to demonstrate your expertise in the field.
94. What is the important of customer-oriented goodwill?
i) It allows for cheaper resolutions to customer conflict.
ii) It is a good substitute for good customer service
iii) It allows the management to measure how well customer service is being performed.
iv) It puts the company ahead of the competitors in respect of customer service-Answer